photo-generated carriers

photo-generated carriersphoto-generated carriers
  1. Study on Transport Properties of Photo-generated Carriers in Nanocrystalline TiO_2 Film Electrode


  2. The transport properties of photo-generated carriers in the prepared electrode contacted with aqueous electrolyte were studied by transient photocurrent spectra .


  3. Based on the physical mechanism of photo-generated carriers screening effect , the numerical models of the photo-generated screening effect and the photo-generated parasitical capacitance are presented by self-consistent solving the Poisson equation and carriers ' statistic equation .


  4. Substitutional Ag introduces some localized gap states , while the Fermi level is pinned near the top of valence band , and the impurity states can trap the hole to suppress the recombination of photo-generated carriers .


  5. Studied the dynamic relaxation processes of various photoexcited states . They believe that photo-generated charge carriers ( charged polaron ) are the direct products after the photoexcitation .
